Monday, November 9, 2009

Photo hosting sites - Search visits - SEO compared

If you are looking for a search engine friendly photo hosting site yiu might have a look at the statistics from Alexa computes traffic statistics from a lot of sources and are regarded as a great source for information by many webmasters. See more at About the Alexa Traffic Rankings.

You do have to be careful when evaluating statistics. Here is an example: (both sites claim to be SEO friendly)
Seach visits (percent) -  Zenfolio vs. Smugmug

Traffic from search engines to Zenfolio is pretty low, but is increasing.
Traffic from search engines to Smugmug is a bit higher. In june the percentages doubled, but has since dropped a bit.

Now if we add a few more sites; Panoramio, Flickr and


Interesting that sites like Panoramio and Photobucket both gets about 40% of their visits from search engines. The ever popular Flickr gets about 28 %.
Zenfolio  and Smugmug are both far behind and you have to pay to get an account.

Alexa's site information is a great place for information .
Here are the Alexa information links for  the above 5 photo hosting sites:
Zenfolio stats on Alexa
Smugmug stats on Alexa
Flickr stats on Alexa
Panoramio stats on Alexa
Photobucket stats on Alexa

Check out your favorite photo hosting site on Alexa and compare it with other sites.

I'm still looking for SEO friendly photo hosting site.
Please tell me if you know a good looking professional site like Smugmug and Zenfolio, and the SEO performance of Panoramio and PhotoBucket.

 - Arnakke photo by LichtenHansen -


Will said...

Hi Allan

We're a lot younger than the others in your article but worth a look:

Unknown said...

Hi Will, I'm looking for a search engine friendly photo hosting site. Sorry, but Photoswarm does not look SEO-friendly to me - Not when I'm looking at the pages, and not when I'm looking at the HTML code.
Try a Google image search for images at Photoswarm - Not good at all.

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